Profiling using Visual Studio

Imperatorn johan_forsberg_86 at
Sun Oct 22 13:13:55 UTC 2023

I would just like to share some knowledge about profiling an exe 
using Visual Studio, since many might already have that installed.

After you have built your executable with symbols, open VS and 
choose "Continue without code".

Then just choose open Project/Solution (Ctrl+Shift+O) and go to 
"Debug -> Performance Profiler" (Alt+F2).

You will be presented with a windows looking something like this


Press start and wait for the profiling to complete.

You should now have a diagsession available to inspect.

The default view is the call tree:

![Call tree](

You can also view by module, caller/callee, functions and flame 

This is an example of flame graph:

![Flame graph](

And here's an example showing that you can go into phobos as well:


Just sharing this here if someone with VS wants an easy way to 
profile with existing tools.

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