Symbolic computations in D

Dmitry Ponyatov dponyatov at
Sun Oct 29 08:55:24 UTC 2023

Yesterday some student asked me about ability to make some dumb 
symbolic computation in C++ the same like way as it looks in the 
MathCAD or Maxima CAS, but run it compiled on a robot platform in 

I have no idea about CAS design and internals, or any math at 
all, but today I found some book:
- _Tan Kiat Shi, Willi-Hans Steeb and Yorick Hardy_
**SymbolicC++: An Introduction to Computer Algebra using 
Object-Oriented Programming
- **Computer Algebra with SymbolicC++**

with the same autors (looka like an alias book from another 

Maybe someone played in this topic, and can give some advice:
is D language with its OOP without multiple inheritance and maybe 
other semantic limitations able and good enough to be used with 
these books mechanics?

The theme looks complex off the shelf, and I'm not sure to speak 
about D to this above student, especially I myself can't help him 
anyway not knowing the language in deep.

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