I don't understand betterC

confused no at no.no
Fri Sep 1 13:17:08 UTC 2023

On Friday, 1 September 2023 at 08:19:55 UTC, Richard (Rikki) 
Andrew Cattermole wrote:
> ``size_t`` is defined in ``object.d`` which is implicitly 
> imported into all modules.
> If it cannot be found, one of three things is happening:
> 1) You have messed with some cli args related to picking 
> druntime/phobos
> 2) You have defined a module called object.
> 3) You have a broken compiler install.

I have in fact defined a module called ``` object ```. How is 
that related to this error?

I'm interested in betterC as a curiosity, and trying to explore 
the extent to which D classes and object-oriented programming can 
be preserved within its bounds (because I really like classes, 
and I really like D, and I really hate C++, and I'm trying to 
learn about bare-metal programming).

Thank you, by the way, for sharing your knowledge and time.

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