malloc error when trying to assign the returned pointer to a struct field

rempas rempas at
Fri Sep 8 11:55:41 UTC 2023

On Friday, 8 September 2023 at 09:25:59 UTC, Hipreme wrote:
> Hello, not completely unrelated to your problem, I have also 
> done something like that, and when you're in D, don't use 
> simply a pointer and length like that, use the `slice` operator.
> See references:
> For example, you can make your pointer a lot safer by doing:
> ```d
> size_t length = 5;
> int* pointer = cast(int*)malloc(int.sizeof * length); //Don't
> int[] mallocArray = (cast(int*)malloc(int.sizeof * 
> length))[0..length]; //Do
> ```
> On the second way, you'll get bound checks, thus, making it 
> safer. Also, no need to keep track of your length separately 
> anymore.
> This is good practice in D language and you'll find yourself 
> using this instead in the future.
> And yes, this works in betterC, it is a simple runtime check, 
> completely `@nogc @safe nothrow` and every other kind of thing 
> you would want.

Thank you for the reply! Using slices will give me the same 
result (my code has another field that I forgot to mention btw 
and it's `_len` (which holds the length that is used from the 
capacity). However, this will just make the API worse to use so I 
choose to not use slices in this case as using separate fields is 
more convenient.

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