pipeProcess output to hash string

user1234 user1234 at 12.de
Sat Sep 9 16:49:30 UTC 2023

On Saturday, 9 September 2023 at 15:44:44 UTC, Vino wrote:
> Hi All,
>   Request your help on how to convert the output of 
> std.process.pipeProcess to hash string
> ```
> auto test(in Redirect redirect=Redirect.stdout | 
> Redirect.stderr) {
>     import std.process;
>     import std.digest.crc;
>     import std.stdio: writeln;
>      result = std.process.pipeProcess("whoami" ~ "/?", 
> redirect);
>      auto content = result.stdout.readln;
>      auto hash = crc32Of(content);
>      return hash;
> }
> void main() {
>   writeln(test);
> }
> ```
> Output: All writes the below.
> ```
> [0, 0, 0, 0]
> ```
> Required: Read the completed output and convert it to a single 
> hash string.
> From,
> Vino.B

With a slightly modified command line that works on linux here :

import std.process, std.stdio;

auto test(in Redirect redirect=Redirect.stdout | Redirect.stderr) 
     import std.digest.crc;
     import std.stdio: writeln;

      auto result = std.process.pipeProcess(["whoami"], redirect);
      auto content = result.stdout.readln;
      auto hash = crc32Of(content);
      return hash;
void main() {

not sure why you append "/?" to the program name.

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