LDC Stacktrace with symbols instead of addresses

Johan j at j.nl
Mon Feb 12 21:26:47 UTC 2024

On Monday, 12 February 2024 at 16:14:27 UTC, Per Nordlöw wrote:
> . Doing the same thing with LDC via
> ```sh
> ldc2 -g --d-debug -run app
> ```
> gives
> ```
> ld: error: undefined symbol: 
> _D3etc5linux11memoryerror26registerMemoryErrorHandlerFNbZb
>>>> referenced by app.d:3
>>>>               /tmp/objtmp-ldc-dec7a7/app.o:(D main)
> collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
> Error: /usr/bin/cc failed with status: 1
> ```

LDC does not support etc.linux.memoryerror, due to issues with 
it. See:


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