macOS Sonoma Linker Issue

ryuukk_ at
Sat Jan 20 21:12:12 UTC 2024

On Saturday, 20 January 2024 at 20:35:16 UTC, Renato wrote:
> On Friday, 22 December 2023 at 17:50:47 UTC, Johan wrote:
>> Some general advice:
>> 1 - use `dub` from LDC's package (this may solve some arm64 vs 
>> x86 issues when on Apple Silicon CPU)
>> 2 - when you use a new or different compiler, you have to 
>> rebuild _all_ packages. So clear your dub cache.
>> I think point 2 is causing your issues.
>> -Johan
> Hi again, I hate to repeat myself, but the linker issues on 
> MacOS keep happening, even after using this in the dub recipe:
> ```
> lflags "-ld_classic"
> ```
> Even though this helps, every now and then I am faced with a 
> horrible error like this (happened on multiple projects):
> ```
> ld: warning: pointer not aligned at address 0x10017FA3A ('anon' 
> + 115 from 
> ../../../.dub/cache/prettyprint/1.0.9/build/library-unittest-zRys5rzGP6krRGvFrhQ1nw/libprettyprint.a(primitives_64_42b.o))
> ld: warning: pointer not aligned at address 0x10017FACD ('anon' 
> + 115 from 
> ../../../.dub/cache/prettyprint/1.0.9/build/library-unittest-zRys5rzGP6krRGvFrhQ1nw/libprettyprint.a(primitives_65_55a.o))
> .... hundreds of lines just like this
> ld: warning: pointer not aligned at address 0x100199171 ('anon' 
> + 117 from 
> ../../../.dub/cache/tested/0.9.5/build/library-unittest-GNkuLeNnFlMZmRhvBdmNgA/libtested.a(lifetime_2ae_75b.o))
> ld: unaligned pointer(s) for architecture x86_64
> clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to 
> see invocation)
> Error: linker exited with status 1
> Error /Users/renato/dlang/dmd-2.106.1/osx/bin/dmd failed with 
> exit code 1.
> ```
> It doesn't matter if I use LDC or DMD. Both cause the same 
> error.
> I've tried cleaning the DUB cache like this:
> ```
> rm -rf ~/.dub/cache
> ```
> But it doesn't help.
> It's very frustrating because I'm close to finishing my 
> project, but this kind of random error really delays me... it 
> seems that as I keep changing code, the linker eventually 
> starts working again! I must be hitting some "bad path" in the 
> compiler.
> So, if anyone who understands about linking on MacOS could have 
> a look, here's a commit on the project I'm currently working on 
> which shows this problem:
> If you checkout this commit, just run `dub test` and you should 
> see the problem on MacOS Sonoma.
> Notice that the current state of my code is "in progress" so 
> some stuff may not even be working properly yet, the tests may 
> not even be passing, that's fine (if I only I could run the 
> tests)... but as the error is on the linker, I believe it's 
> compiling properly and there should never be any linker errors 
> like this.

dub might not be passing this flag down to dependencies..

Try this env variable:

``LDFLAGS="$LDFLAGS -Wl,-ld_classic" dub build``

If that doesn't work, try this one:


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