Constructing arrays of structs

Stephen Tashiro tashiro at
Tue Jan 23 18:15:29 UTC 2024

If the constructor of a class needs to create an array of structs 
whose dimensions are inputs, what's the syntax for doing this?

For a non-example, the following program errors in main() because 
in t.array[][] "index [0] is out of bounds".

import std.stdio;

     struct Point
      uint x;
      uint y;
      void printInfo()
         printf("(%d $d )",x,y);

     class testClass
       uint dimension;
       Point[][] array;

       this(uint the_dimension)
         dimension = the_dimension;
         auto array = new Point[][](the_dimension,the_dimension);
         for(uint i = 0; i < dimension; i++)
            for(uint j = 0; j < dimension; j++)
               array[i][j].x = i;
               array[i][j].y = j;

     void main()
        auto t = new testClass(5);

        for(uint i = 0; i < t.dimension; i++)
           for(uint j = 0; j < t.dimension; j++)
             printf("(%d %d)",t.array[i][j].x, t.array[i][j].y);



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