Function Composition

Paul Backus snarwin at
Thu Jan 25 12:19:47 UTC 2024

On Thursday, 25 January 2024 at 08:25:02 UTC, atzensepp wrote:
> ```d
>   int function(int) t = compose!(f,g,g,f,g,g,f,g,g,f);
> ```
> This leads to:
> ```
> gdc lambda4.d
> lambda4.d:28:25: error: template compose(E)(E a) has no value
>    int function(int) t = compose!(f,g,g,f,g,g,f,g,g,f);
> ```

Try using the address operator:

     //                  Here
     //                    ▼
     int function(int) t = &compose!(f,g,g,f,g,g,f,g,g,f);

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