Optimization when using a 2-dimensional array of objects

Liam McGillivray yoshi.pit.link.mario at gmail.com
Fri Mar 22 02:19:07 UTC 2024

In the [game I am currently 
making](https://github.com/LiamM32/Open_Emblem/blob/master/oe-raylib/source/app.d), I have a `Map` class (actually a combination of an interface & class template, but I'll call it a "class" for simplicity), in which there will probably be only one instance running at a time. In that map class is a 2-dimensional dynamic array of `Tile` objects called `grid`. What these `Tile` objects represent are like squares on a chessboard. Their placement in `grid` represents their location on the map.

Whenever a function in the game has to pass a location on the 
map, I have a dilemma between passing a reference to the tile 
object, and passing it's grid coordinates through `struct 
Vector2i {int x; int y;}`. The functions that receive this 
information sometimes must access the Tile's variables to know 
it's properties, but may also need to know it's location so that 
it can find neighbouring tiles. The `Unit` class also has a 
2-dimensional dynamic array of entities holding information on 
the unit's distance from that tile, and whether it can reach it 
during this turn.

Is one option more efficient than the other? I already have the 
location of each tile cached as a pair of variables within each 
tile. To get a location from a Tile object, a call would be made 
to the member function `Vector2i location()`. To get a tile 
object from it's coordinates, a member function of `Map` `Tile 
getTile(Vector2i location)` would be called. Should I stick to 
one over the other?

Is there a memory allocation technique that would make each 
tile's location in `grid` inferrable based on it's memory 
address? It would be nice if the two were interchangeable, so 
that I wouldn't have this dilemma.

Not knowing which option is best has lead to a little bit of 
messy syntax. Right now I have multiple versions of the functions 
`getReachable` & `getAttackable` in the 
[`Unit`](https://github.com/LiamM32/Open_Emblem/blob/master/source/unit.d) class which return a different type, because I'm not sure which is better.

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