alias size_t BigDigit; // for optimal performance //alias ulong BigDigit; // appends digit onto the current digits, which may allocate // this frees up old memory in the case of an allocation private void append( BigDigit[] digits, BigDigit digit ) { BigDigit[] oldDigits = digits; digits ~= digit; if ( oldDigits != digits ) delete oldDigits; } public class BigNum { // The least significant digit is the zeroth digit. private BigDigit[] digits; private bool m_negative = false; public bool negative() { return m_negative; } public bool positive() { return !m_negative; } this() { digits = new BigDigit[1]; } this( int input ) { digits = new BigDigit[1]; // TODO: what if size_t is less than 32 bits long? digits[0] = input & 0x7FFFFFFF; m_negative = cast(bool)((input & 0x80000000) >> 31); } this( uint input ) { digits = new BigDigit[1]; // TODO: what if size_t is less than 32 bits long? digits[0] = input; } this( BigDigit[] numberToUse, bool Negative ) { digits = numberToUse; m_negative = Negative; // if the most significant digit is 0, we need to lose it uint shrink = 0; for ( int i = digits.length - 1; i >= 0; i-- ) { if ( digits[i] == 0 ) shrink++; else break; } digits.length = digits.length - shrink; } ~this() { delete digits; } BigNum opNeg() { m_negative = !m_negative; return this; } private int unsignedOpCmp( BigNum that ) { if ( this.digits.length > that.digits.length ) return 1; else if ( this.digits.length < that.digits.length ) return -1; else // ( this.digits.length == that.digits.length ) { BigDigit[] digits1 = this.digits; BigDigit[] digits2 = that.digits; for( uint i = digits1.length - 1; i >= 0; i-- ) { if ( digits1[i] > digits2[i] ) return 1; else if ( digits1[i] < digits2[i] ) return -1; } return 0; } } int opCmp( BigNum that ) { if ( this.negative ) { if ( that.negative ) // both negative, unsignedOpCmp treats them as positive, so reverse the result return -unsignedOpCmp( that ); else // this is negative and that is positive, so this is less than that. return -1; } else { if ( that.negative ) // this is positive and that is negative, so this is greater than that. return 1; else // both positive return unsignedOpCmp( that ); } } bool unsignedEquals( BigNum that ) { if ( this.digits.length != that.digits.length ) return false; else { BigDigit[] digits1 = this.digits; BigDigit[] digits2 = that.digits; uint len = digits1.length; for( uint i = 0; i < len; i++ ) { if ( digits1[i] != digits2[i] ) return false; } return true; } } int opEquals( BigNum that ) { if ( this.negative ) { if ( that.negative ) return unsignedEquals( that ); else return false; } else { if ( that.negative ) return false; else // both positive return unsignedEquals( that ); } } // used by opAdd (or opSub if you subtract a negative) private BigNum add( BigNum number1, BigNum number2 ) { BigDigit[] shorter; BigDigit[] longer; if ( number1.digits.length < number2.digits.length ) { shorter = number1.digits; longer = number2.digits; } else { shorter = number2.digits; longer = number1.digits; } BigDigit[] result = new BigDigit[longer.length]; // msd is the Most Significant Digit uint msd = shorter.length - 1; for ( uint i = 0; i < msd; i++ ) { result[i] = shorter[i] + longer[i]; // check for non-overflow if ( result[i] >= longer[i] ) continue; if ( result[i] >= shorter[i] ) continue; // it overflowed, carry the one. result[i+1] = 1; } // handle possible overflow at the end result[msd] = shorter[msd] + longer[msd]; if ( shorter.length == result.length ) { // handle overflow at the end if ( result[msd] < longer[msd] || result[msd] < shorter[msd] ) append( result, 1 ); goto the_end; } else { if ( result[msd] < longer[msd] || result[msd] < shorter[msd] ) result[msd+1] = 1; } msd = result.length - 1; for ( uint i = shorter.length; i < msd; i++ ) { result[i] += longer[i]; // check for overflow if ( result[i] < longer[i] ) result[i+1] = 1; } // handle possible overflow at the end result[msd] += longer[msd]; if ( result[msd] < longer[msd] ) append( result, 1 ); the_end: if ( number1.negative ) return new BigNum( result, true ); else return new BigNum( result, false ); } private void addAssign( BigNum that ) { } // used by opSub (or opAdd if you add a negative) // subtracts number2 from number1 private BigNum subtract( BigNum number1, BigNum number2 ) { BigDigit[] smaller; BigDigit[] bigger; bool neg; switch( number1.unsignedOpCmp( number2 ) ) { case -1: smaller = number1.digits; bigger = number2.digits; neg = true; break; case 0: return new BigNum(); case 1: smaller = number2.digits; bigger = number1.digits; neg = false; break; default: assert(0); } BigDigit[] result = new BigDigit[bigger.length]; uint length = bigger.length; for ( uint i = 0; i < length; i++ ) { result[i] = bigger[i] - smaller[i]; if ( result[i] > bigger[i] ) // oh crap, an underflow! result[i+1]--; // borrow a one } return new BigNum( result, neg ); } BigNum opAdd( BigNum that ) { BigNum result; bool neg; //negative if ( this.positive && that.negative ) // this + -that = this - that result = subtract( this, that ); else if ( that.positive && this.negative ) // that + -this = that - this result = subtract( that, this ); else result = add( this, that ); return result; } BigNum opSub( BigNum that ) { BigNum result; if ( this.positive && that.positive ) result = subtract( this, that ); else if ( this.negative && that.negative ) // -a - -b = -a + b = b - a result = subtract( that, this ); else result = add( this, that ); return result; } void opAddAssign( BigNum that ) { } // for some reason 'static if else' gave compiler... static if ( BigDigit.sizeof != 4 && BigDigit.sizeof != 8 ) static assert(0); static if ( BigDigit.sizeof == 4 ) const shift = 3; static if ( BigDigit.sizeof == 8 ) const shift = 4; // radix currently ignored char[] toString( uint radix = 16 ) { static char[16] charmap = "0123456789ABCDEF"; size_t allocSize = (digits.length << shift) + m_negative; char[] result = new char[allocSize]; size_t index = 0; if ( m_negative ) { result[index] = '-'; index++; } for ( int i = digits.length - 1; i >= 0; i-- ) { BigDigit digit = digits[i]; ubyte remainder; const start = (BigDigit.sizeof << 1) - 1; for ( int j = start; j >= 0; j-- ) { remainder = digit & 0x0f; result[index + j] = charmap[remainder]; digit >>= 4; } index += BigDigit.sizeof << 1; // number of hex digits in a big digit } return result; } } import std.stdio; unittest { static ulong[2] one = [0xffffffffffffffff,0xffffffffffffffff]; static ulong[1] two = [0x00000000ffffffff]; static ulong[3] three = [0x00000000fffffffe,0x0000000000000000,0x0000000000000001]; BigNum n = new BigNum( cast(BigDigit[])one, false ); BigNum m = new BigNum( cast(BigDigit[])two, false ); BigNum o = new BigNum( cast(BigDigit[])three, false ); assert ( o == n + m ); }