<META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html; CHARSET=UTF-8">
AFAIK other http methods have nothing special. You have just to implement on your code:<BR>
if (request.method == "PUT") <BR>
if you need them. Am i wrong?<BR>
Il giorno mer, 19/10/2011 alle 08.36 +0200, Jacob Carlborg ha scritto:
On 2011-10-18 19:24, Jeremy Sandell wrote:
> On Mon, Oct 17, 2011 at 2:11 PM, Jacob Carlborg <<A HREF="mailto:doob@me.com">doob@me.com</A>
> <<A HREF="mailto:doob@me.com">mailto:doob@me.com</A>>> wrote:
> On 2011-10-17 16:01, Andrea Fontana wrote:
> I handle request on different threads. I do some pre-processing on
> scgi data and I fill a struct:
> request.get[]
> request.post[]
> request.cookie[]
> request.headers[string]
> then I call a virtual function (to override on subclasses) like:
> do(request, output);
> where user fill output struct in a way like:
> output.data ~= "<html><body><h1>hello world</h1></body></html>";
> output.status = 200
> output.cookies = bla bla
> and then if is method != "head" i send headers + data, else just
> "headers".
> btw 99% of usage is get, post, head.
> Yes, but if you want to write a web site that is RESTful you need
> the other HTTP methods as well, at least PUT and DELETE.
> BTW, what about creating something like Rack but for D. Rack is a
> low level interface in front of the web server which web frameworks
> can be built on top.
> <A HREF="http://rack.github.com/">http://rack.github.com/</A>
> --
> /Jacob Carlborg
> Yes, this is exactly why I was wondering whether FastCGI had been
> implemented (though SCGI works for me as well) - so that I could write
> something on top of it, in much the same way I would using (for example)
> WSGI in Python.
> I also agree with you re: supporting all of the HTTP methods. Just
> because the most common ones are GET, POST, and HEAD doesn't mean we
> should leave out the others; both PUT and DELETE are quite useful.
> Best regards,
> Jeremy Sandell
Although I have no idea if the rest of the 9 HTTP methods are useful,
e.g. trace, options, connect and patch.