On May 23, 2012 5:48 PM, "snow" <<a href="mailto:marcel.patzwahl@googlemail.com">marcel.patzwahl@googlemail.com</a>> wrote:<br>
> Hello, Ive tried to install D under Linux and followed the steps<br>
> described on . this page <a href="http://dlang.org/dmd-linux.html">http://dlang.org/dmd-linux.html</a> . I<br>
> checked all folders after every step and everything is where it<br>
> should be. In the secound step I did both, adding dmd to the PATH<br>
> and copied the executables into the lib folder. If I type dmd<br>
> into the console, I get back all infos about D, so this is<br>
> already working. But if I try to run a simple Hello world program<br>
> like this:<br>
> import std.stdio;<br>
> void main() {<br>
> writeln("Hallo Welt");<br>
> }<br>
> I get the following error:<br>
> object.d: Error: module object is in file 'object.d' which cannot<br>
> be read<br>
> import path[0] = /usr/local/bin/../../src/phobos<br>
> import path[1] = /usr/local/bin/../../src/druntime/import<br>
> My DMD folder is in the home directory and the dmd.config<br>
> contains this:<br>
> [Environment]<br>
> DFLAGS=-I%@P%/../../src/phobos -I%@P%/../../src/druntime/import<br>
> -L-L%@P%/../lib64 -L-L%@P%/../lib32 -L--no-warn-search-mismatch<br>
> -L--export-dynamic<br>
> I already tried to compile the program with geany and the<br>
> console. In the console i trid to compile it as: dmd hello.d and<br>
> dmd -c hello.d. But everywhere I get the same errors<br>
<p>It appears that dmd can't find the library files. IIRC object.d is part of the runtime. Check the paths in the error message and try to ensure necessary files are found.<br>