How to accelerate this program?

Dave Dave_member at
Mon Apr 3 21:42:40 PDT 2006

In article <e0slt4$2cki$1 at>, Li Jie says...
>In article <e0rcej$10it$1 at>, Wang Zhen says...
>>Two improvements based on your first D version:
>>0. Output in a separate loop.
>>1. Remove the "if(!(email in emails))" check.
>>     fgets(cast(char*)buffer, READ_SIZE, fin);
>>     emails[toString(buffer)] = 0;
>>foreach(char[] k, int v; emails)
>>     fputs(cast(char*)k, fout);
>It takes 1080 ms on my system, it's not fast enough.
>I think "cast(char*)(char[])" and "toString" called too much, and it's very

That won't give the correct output because the buffer is overwritten with each
fgets and a memcpy is *not* done somewhere in the background for the AA keys.

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