not operator operator..

Anders F Björklund afb at
Tue Apr 4 00:17:31 PDT 2006

Norbert Nemec wrote:

> Sorry, I don't agree. != has been in C for ages and any C programmer
> should therefore understand !in or !is.
> Unlike in natural language text, source code does ! become more readable
> when using words. It may slightly help the newbie, but it will get in
> the way for everyday use.

Ehrm, wasn't '===' changed to 'is' exactly because it was more readable?
I know many people that prefer 'not' over '!', 'and' over '&&', etc etc.

Originally I didn't see a problem of adding them as alternative syntax, 
but now I know that it would somehow mean the D originals have to go...

So requiring '!is' is bad enough, without making it 'not is' - or worse.
It isn't very beautiful, but then I don't think that was a design goal ?


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