Loop iterator - example.txt

Bruno Medeiros brunodomedeirosATgmail at SPAM.com
Sat Apr 29 13:02:10 PDT 2006

Rick C. Hodgin wrote:
> Here's an idea:
> There should be a way in D to allow the reconsideration of a for..loop test
> clause without executing the increment clause.
> Using the terminology:
> for (initialize-clause; conditional-clause; increment-clause)
> Example:
> int i;
> for (i=0; i<10; i++)
> {
> if (string.substr(i,1) == something)
> {
> i += some_other_function();
> retry;
> }
> else if (string.substr(i,1) == something_else)
> {
> i += some_other_function2();
> retry;
> }
> // Otherwise, simply execute the "i++" and re-test
> }
> I propose the name "retry" for the "retest without increment-clause" command, to
> be used in a manner similar syntax-wise to the way "break" is used today.
> "Retry" would simply bypass the increment-clause and proceed straight to the
> conditional-clause code section, thereby allowing subsequent passes through the
> for loop without the requisite and occasionally unnecessary auto-incrementation.
> It would just be a way to give for loops a little more natural utility without
> having to do some rather obtuse programming techniques, such as using goto's or
> enclosing the code in a while or do loop, etc.
> - Rick C. Hodgin
> int i;
> for (i=0; i<10; i++)
> {
>     if (string.substr(i,1) == something)
>     {
>         i += some_other_function();
>         retry;
>     }
>     else if (string.substr(i,1) == something_else)
>     {
>         i += some_other_function2();
>         retry;
>     }
>     // Otherwise, simply execute the "i++" and re-test
> }

For the case where you don't have any continues, you can do the code 
this way instead:

   for (i=0; i<10; )
     if (string.substr(i,1) == something)
       i += some_other_function();
     else if (string.substr(i,1) == something_else)
       i += some_other_function2();
     // ############ Execute the increment expression here: #######

The remaining case, where you want to use continues and retries in the 
same for, well, I don't think it's a common enough case that makes it 
worth the introduction of a new keyword just some trivial syntactic sugar.
In fact, the very idea seems like a very awkward idiom to me. I would 
like to examine a real example, can someone post one?

Bruno Medeiros - CS/E student

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