assert(condition[, message]) patch

"Rémy J. A. Mouëza" ray.jay.ay.moueza at
Wed Aug 2 01:30:03 PDT 2006

I've done something close to what you discribe using Python ( C++ 
wrapping using the output of gccxml ). You can have a look at it on Gregor Richards has done better with BCD, 
available on dsource, only using D and gccxml. Swig also output xml, 
thus it is also possible to use it as an alternative to gccxml. I didn't 
know doxygen could output an xml view of its analysis.
Good luck.

> I don't think PyD will apply to my project.  Let me get incredibly off 
> topic and explain a little more. I am trying to make a program that 
> generates wrappers for C++ programs so you can use them in D.  My 
> current plan is to process the XML output from Doxygen with Python and 
> the ElementTree library.  I will then generate a C++ file with a C 
> interface to the class and D wrapper file for each class.  Something 
> similar to below:
> // C++ Code
> class MyClass {
>    int m_num;
> public:
>     MyClass(int num) {
>         m_num = num;
>     }
>     int getNum() {
>         return m_num;
>     }
> };
> // C Wrapper Code
> extern "C"
> {
>     void* MyClass_new(int num) {
>         return (void*)(new myClass(num));
>     }
>     int MyClass_getNum(void* obj) {
>         return ((myClass*)obj)->getNum();
>     }
>     void MyClass_delete(void* obj) {
>         delete (myClass*)obj;
>     }
> }
> // D wrapper class
> extern (C)
> {
>     void* MyClass_new(int num);
>     int MyClass_getNum(void* obj);
>     void MyClass_delete(void* obj);
> }
> class MyClass {
>     private void* cppObj;
>     this(int num) {
>         cppObj = MyClass_new(num);
>     }
>     ~this() {
>         MyClass_delete(cppObj);
>     }
>     int getNum() {
>         return MyClass_getNum(cppObj);
>     }
> }
> That is a very basic example and doesn't handle exception being thrown 
> from the C++ code.  I haven't start work on the generator yet.  I am 
> currently testing my ideas on the following issues:
>   -properly handling the passing of D wrapped C++ classes to and from 
> the C++ code.
>   -using directors at the bottom of the inheritance tree to properly 
> pass virtual function calls of to inherited D class
>   -Throwing C++ and D exceptions through the interface that has C 
> linkage.
>   -Mapping of types from C++ to C to D.
> If this ever gets off the ground I am thinking of calling it WrapeD, the 
> lack of two p's is intentional.  I hope to have simpler interface file 
> system than swig.  Something looks more like SCons build files.
> -Joseph

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