auto, var, raii,scope, banana

Regan Heath regan at
Wed Aug 2 16:45:43 PDT 2006

>>> If they both have learning to do anyways, why not just have them learn
>>> 'scope'?
>>   Right back at ya.. why not have them both learn to omit 'new'?
> Point being it doesn't give you the win-lose, you're still stuck with a  
> lose-lose.  If both coders have to learn, then we lose the advantage of  
> chosing this syntax to make it so C++ coders don't have to learn.

True.. however not being a C++ programmer "on a daily basis" I can't say  
for certain which of the 2 syntaxes I have given as examples of how a  
C++ programmer would do it, is the more common.

> You still have a point wrt similarity, though I dislike subtly different  
> behaviours as it can lead to bad assumptions.

Different behaviour (heap vs stack allocation) is only a problem if it  
changes the outcome of the program. heap vs stack doesn't change the  
outcome, but it might affect the speed/efficiency of the program as doing  
1,000,000 heap allocations is slower than the same number of stack ones.

Adding stack allocation to 'auto' would then be a speed optimisation.

>>  In our case, I believe the D syntax:
>>  auto A a = new A();
>>  and the C++ syntax:
>>  A a;
>>  behave almost identically. The difference being that D current does  
>> not  allocate on the stack, but, that may change and if it does they  
>> will  behave identically.
> OK I'd like some clarification about the C++ side of things.
> It seems to me that both syntaxes such as
> A a = A();
> and
> A a;
> have been said to cause stack allocation in C++.  Is this true?

Yes, I believe so. To heap allocate you have to use 'new'. My MSDN docs  

"The new operator is used to allocate objects and arrays of objects. The  
new operator allocates from a program memory area called the “free store.”  
In C, the free store is often referred to as the “heap.”"

> A a;
> Currently that is the syntax for declaring a variable.

D initialises 'a' to null.

> It will break any code that relies on 'a' being initialized to null.

No. But it will break any code which assumes it's not null, which is what  
the poor C++ programmer discovers in his/her first D program.

> If that's alright, you could change it to mean RAII/stackalloc in the  
> context of a function, but then you lose consistancy with D's practice  
> of initializing variables to knownly invalid values.


A a;

would have to call the class constructor, so it would have a known 'valid'  
value instead. Likewise:'

A a = A(1,2,3);

would do the same, only this time you can pass parameters to the class  
These two syntaxes are really one and the same.

> That does work.  Forces you to put the function outside of the class,  
> but meh, it's just aesthetics/syntax sugar.

"function outside of the class" is what I meant by "free function" .. he's  
free, not trapped in a class ;)

So.. I'm still left with little idea when someone would actually use a  
static opCall and what purpose/problem it solves (beyond being syntactic  
sugar for free functions or other static methods of a class). If it's just  
syntactic sugar _and_ we decide we like the omit 'new' syntax (doesn't  
look promising at this stage, no matter) then I would vote for static  
opCall to be removed.


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