Lazy eval

Frank Benoit keinfarbton at
Wed Aug 23 06:55:08 PDT 2006

>> func( char[] a ) vs. func( char[] delegate() dg )
>> func( funcRetInt() ); vs. func( &funcRetInt );
> If that's the case, then something's wrong.  If funcRetInt returns a
> char[], despite the name, then funcRetInt() is of type char[]. Therefore
> it should match this first.

This is the first example, showing a ambiguity
func( char[] a ) vs. func( char[] delegate() dg )

This is a second example, which has no relation to the first.
func( funcRetInt() ); vs. func( &funcRetInt );

And the "vs." is not a object reference. Sorry.

>> { "abc"         } => char[] delegate()
> That syntax looks confusingly like an array initialiser....

the '=>' was not a syntax proposal
"{ "abc"         }" /is of type/ "char[] delegate()"

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