Bragging about Unix and D

Tom S h3r3tic at
Wed Aug 23 18:55:34 PDT 2006

Georg Wrede wrote:
> What I tried to do was some kind of template magic (a la Don) that 
> prints something like this at compile time, without even creating an 
> executable.
> -- Sigh, can't win 'em all.

Not hard at all...

const int numWidth = 6;
const int width   = 10;
const int height  = 10;

template itoa(int i) {
	static if (i < 10) {
		const char[] itoa = "" ~ "0123456789"[i];
	} else {
		const char[] itoa = itoa!(i/10) ~ "0123456789"[i%10];

template nspaces(int n) {
	static if (n > 0) {
		const char[] nspaces = " " ~ nspaces!(n - 1);
	} else {
		const char[] nspaces = "";

template itoa_pad(int i) {
	const char[] itoa_pad = itoa!(i) ~ nspaces!(numWidth - itoa!(i).length);

template row(int hpos, int i = 0) {
	static if (i+1 < width) {
		const char[] row = itoa_pad!(i*hpos) ~ row!(hpos, i+1);
	} else {
		const char[] row = itoa_pad!(i*hpos);

template table(int i = 0) {
	pragma (msg, row!(i));

	static if (i+1 < height) {
		mixin .table!(i+1) table;
	} else {
		alias void table;

alias table!() draw;

Tomasz Stachowiak

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