Some more template syntax sugar

Reiner Pope reiner.pope at
Mon Aug 28 05:18:04 PDT 2006

I think function templates still require too much in the way of type 
annotations. Take the canonical example, sqr:

T sqr(T) (T x)
	return x*x;

In this example, we have to declare T three times, even though I think 
this could be inferred. I propose an alternative syntax:

auto sqr(x)
	return x*x;

which IMHO looks very elegant.

Here are the rules more formally:
  - if a type is missing for an parameter, template this function by 
that argument. Do this for every parameter.
  - use type inference (just like auto) to determine the return type, 
unless it is marked 'void'

so, the above code becomes:

typeof(__ret) sqr(__t1) ( __t1 x)
	auto __ret = x * x;
	return __ret;

and for more complex examples,

auto foo(a, b, c, d)


typeof(__ret) foo(__t1, __t2, __t3, __t4) ( __t1 a, __t2 b, __t3 c, __t4 d)

and the instantiation rules are as per normal.



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