Suggestion: Remove implicit conversion from T[n] and T[] to T*

Bill Baxter dnewsgroup at
Mon Dec 4 00:03:39 PST 2006

Walter Bright wrote:
> Oskar Linde wrote:
>> Removing the implicit conversion from static arrays (T[n]) and dynamic 
>> arrays (T[]) to pointers T* may be quite controversial, but would help 
>> clear up some problems and feels like the right step to take.
> Looks like that implicit cast is going down in flames!

Suggestion: could you make it a compiler flag for the next release so we 
can try it out on our own code?  I for one have no idea how much pain 
the change will cause me.  I'm vaguely for it, since .ptr isn't that 
much to type, and generally I prefer explicit to implicit, but that's 
only if the pain involved is not too great.


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