ArrayBoundsError for associative array operation

xs0 xs0 at
Tue Dec 5 04:05:31 PST 2006

Egor Starostin wrote:
> I have a testcase (simplified from real data) when access to
> associative array by existing key produces ArrayBoundsError.
> Here it is:
> ***
> [snip]
> ***
> Why I get an ArrayBoundsError for existing key?
> Is this a bug in D? If yes -- can somebody suggest a workaround?

Most likely you forgot to implement a function or two:

Structs or unions can be used as the KeyType. For this to work, the 
struct or union definition must define the following member functions:

     * hash_t toHash()
     * int opEquals(S) or int opEquals(S*)
     * int opCmp(S) or int opCmp(S*)

Note that the parameter to opCmp and opEquals can be either the struct 
or union type, or a pointer to the struct or untion type.


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