c++ to d converter or c to d

Steve Horne stephenwantshornenospam100 at aol.com
Tue Dec 5 05:11:01 PST 2006

On Mon, 04 Dec 2006 22:19:13 -0800, janderson <askme at me.com> wrote:

>Legacy code is the biggest hurdle in getting D widely accepted.  No-one 
>is going re-invent years of work.

Someone should take a look at TXL and see what it can do.

I got the link from http://www.cs.queensu.ca/~thurston/ragel/ where
I've been getting all excited over the Ragel FSM / Scanner tool, and
to a degree also the Kelbt parser generator, but this guy has also
developed an extended TXL.

I don't have any understanding of what it does beyond the vague sense
that it can do intelligent computer-language translation tasks, but
that is enough of a hint that it might be able to do the job, and as a
bonus it is available for free.

Even with a specialised tool, though, converting any meaningful subset
of C++ to D automatically is going to be a tough job. Things that look
similar actually have substantially different semantics.

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