a case where static foreach dosn't work "correctly"

BCS BCS at pathlink.com
Thu Dec 7 09:22:55 PST 2006

Alexander Panek wrote:
> Have you tried to do the same with DMD 0.176 ?
> Maybe the bug is already solved in one of the two big massacres!

It wasn't, but I fond a work around (and a few typos), here's the latest:

/***** unsigned big int with "size" words of precision */

alias BigNum(4) uCent;

template BigNum(uint size)
   static if(size == 0)
     static assert(false, "BigNum!(1) is not valid");
   else static if(size == 1)
     static assert(false, "BigNum!(1) is not implemented");
   else static if(size == 2)
     alias use!(1, 1) BigNum;
     alias build!(size, size-2, size-1) BigNum;

template build(uint size, uint i, V...)
   static if(i==1)
     alias use!(size, 1, V) build;
     alias build!(size, i-1, i, V) build;

template use(uint size, V...)
   struct use
     uint[size] valuse;

     use!(size, V) opAdd(use!(size, V) to)
       uint[size] mine, other;
       mine[] = valuse;
       other[] = to.valuse[];
         mov EAX, mine[0];
         add other[0], EAX;
       foreach(j,i; V)
         const uint off = V[j];     // this is a work-around
           mov EAX, mine[off];
           adc other[off], EAX;
       use!(size, V) ret;
       ret.valuse[] = other;
       return ret;

     use!(size, V) opSub(use!(size, V) to)
       uint[size] mine, other;
       mine[] = valuse;
       other[] = to.valuse[];
         mov EAX, mine[0];
         sub other[0], EAX;
       foreach(j,i; V)
         const uint off = V[j];
           mov EAX, mine[off];
           sbb other[off], EAX;
       use!(size, V) ret;
       ret.valuse[] = other;
       return ret;


> BCS wrote:
>> If a static foreach is given a tuple of const ints, the ints don't 
>> behave like consts inside of the foreach body. I havent checked other 
>> cases but you can't use them for array indexes in ASM operations:
>> Why does this matter you ask? It would allow this to work:

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