Proposal for an extension to the import syntax

Alexander Panek a.panek at
Mon Dec 11 23:30:19 PST 2006

> import : sym1,sym2,sym3;

That's what came to my mind, too. Though, I wouldn't use the ':' operator.

// might be hard to parse (?) - at least it's clear what's meant (imho)
import, .b, .c;

// might be confused with /+ import foo, bar; +/
import, b, c;

analog to:

uint a,

...just that the type is exchanged with a module/package path.

Other than that, I don't think one should make the import syntax too 
blown up. Also, I would restrict multiple module import to one path per 
statement, so you don't end up doing nested regex magic in your import 
statements. I think of something like

import a.b.[c.[a,b,d.e], f, g]

  .. huh? Now guess what happens when you don't use single characters as 
module names only. :P

import a.b.c.a, .b, .d, .e;
import a.b.f, .g;

I'd like to have it like that.

Kind regards,

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