proposal: tthis for templates, or private aliases

Oskar Linde oskar.lindeREM at
Fri Dec 15 06:38:59 PST 2006

Bill Baxter wrote:
> It gets tiring to type stuff like this:
> template convertable_type_in_tuple(T, S...) {
>     static if( is(S[0] : T) ) {
>         const bool convertable_type_in_tuple =
>                    convertable_type_in_tuple!(T, S[1..$]);
>     } else static if(S.length == 0) {
>         const bool convertable_type_in_tuple = true;
>     } else {
>         const bool convertable_type_in_tuple = false;
>     }
> }
> This is the general pattern for recursive tuple templates.  You 
> generally end up repeating the name of the template at least four times 
> inside the body of the template.
> Then you decide 'convertable_type_in_tuple' wasn't a good name and you 
> have to be sure to correct it everywhere or you'll get compiler errors 
> that only show up when that case is actually exercised.
> So proposal option one is to give templates declared with the "template 
> identifier(args)..." syntax to use a special kind of 'this', call it a 
> template this or 'tthis', for lack of a better idea.
> template convertable_type_in_tuple(T, S...) {
>     static if( is(S[0] : T) ) {
>         const bool tthis = tthis!(T, S[1..$]);
>     } else static if(S.length == 0) {
>         const bool tthis = true;
>     } else {
>         const bool tthis = false;
>     }
> }

I have suggested this several times in the past but by reusing "this" 
instead of adding a new keyword. I have even hacked GDC to try that out. 
:) The only potential problem I see with reusing "this" would be mixin 
templates for class constructors. Are they allowed today?

> Option 2 is to allow some sort of private alias in a template that 
> doesn't interfere with the inner-name-matches-outer-name magic.
> template convertable_type_in_tuple(T, S...) {
>     private alias convertable_type_in_tuple tthis;
>     static if( is(S[0] : T) ) {
>         const bool tthis = tthis!(T, S[1..$]);
>     } else static if(S.length == 0) {
>         const bool tthis = true;
>     } else {
>         const bool tthis = false;
>     }
> }

Yes. This has also been suggested several times in the past and would be 
extremely handy and save a lot of unnecessary typing. Once again, one 
potential problem is mixin templates. Does the "implicit template 
property" even apply to mixin templates?

> Then at least you only have to type the name twice.
> Option 2 would also be useful for function templates that use 
> non-trivial derived types:
> template function(T) {
>    private alias typeof(T.init.member) RetT;
>    RetT function(T val) {
>       return val.member;
>    }
> }

Something I have wished for several times is just having an "auto" 
return value for functions, as I often find a large portion of my 
template code just computing return values of trivial functions.


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