Deprecate C style declerations?

Oskar Linde oskar.lindeREM at
Thu Dec 21 05:34:45 PST 2006

Hasan Aljudy wrote:
> Don Clugston wrote:

>> I'd also add:
>> * some alternative to #line that doesn't waste the '#' symbol on such 
>> a rarely-used feature.

I kind of like Nazo's suggestion of putting it in a comment. Any 
un-aware parser would automatically just ignore such things.
/// LINE: 17

Otherwise, could something like



> I've always wondered if there's even anyone out there using this so 
> called "feature"?
> Why would you want to alter the lexer's internal state of the current 
> line number?
> Who even came up with the idea?

It is useful when the code is auto generated, having line numbers 
referring back to the original file. One example would be a YACC 
generated parser with line numbers in the generated code referring to 
the parser definition file.


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