Deprecate C style declerations?

Pragma ericanderton at
Thu Dec 21 14:04:58 PST 2006

Thomas Kuehne wrote:
> Does anyone actually use the #line construct?


It's extremely handy whenever you're writing something that's generating 
D code, especially when you allow chunks of D code through to the 
output.  For example, I used it extensively while researching for DSP, 
and I plan on using it for Enki's codegen (when I get around to it).

A more concrete, if not contrived, example would be a PHP-style 
(pre)processor for D:

     int value = toInt(url["value"]);
     auto result = Fibonacci(value);
The Fibonacci sequence for <?=value?> is <?=result?>

This would emit code (presumably to be run like an applet), like so:

// output.d
#line 3 source.dhp

     int value = toInt(url["value"]);
     auto result = Fibonacci(value);

echo("The Fibonacci sequence for ");
#line 5 source.dhp
echo(" is ");
#line 5 source.dhp

This way, any errors in the <??> expressions can be tied back to the 
original source, should there be a compiler error.

- EricAnderton at yahoo

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