Function to convert functions to delegates

Sat Dec 23 19:03:44 PST 2006

Jarrett Billingsley wrote:
> I came up with this function to make it easier to make libraries that can 
> take function pointers or delegates for things like callbacks.  Basically it 
> creates a dummy struct to function as the context for the delegate, which 
> then calls the original function.  I guess that's a thunk?  Anyway:
> To use it, just make a function:
> void func(int x, int y)
> {
>     writefln("func: ", x, ", ", y);
> }
> And then call it:
> auto dg = Delegatize!(func)();
> dg(4, 5); // prints "func: 4, 5"

I guess that's a common thing to need to do. I wrote one of my own a 
while back. It trades a bit of a runtime hit (notice the new and 
assignment) for runtime flexibility (it can take a runtime function 

T delegate(A) Fn2Dg(T, A...)(T function(A) f)
    struct tmp
       typeof(f) fn;
       T ret(A args){ return fn(args); }

    tmp* ret = new tmp;
    ret.fn = f;
    return &ret.ret;

char fn(int i, char j);
char delegate(int, char) dg = Fn2Dg(&fn);
char function(int, char) fp = &fn;
char delegate(int, char) dgr = Fn2Dg(fp);

It comes from my paper on D:

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