Addition to vim syntax highlighting for D

Jason Mills jmills at
Thu Dec 28 13:03:01 PST 2006

Tim Keating wrote:
> Found a bug with VIM syntax highlighting today. If you use VIM, you 
> might want update your d.vim file as follows:
> After the line:
> 	syn region dRawString	start=+`+ skip=+\\`+ end=+`[cwd]\=+ 
> contains=@Spell
> Add this line:
> 	syn match dRawString	+`\\`+
> Without this, the literal raw string `\` will break the first raw 
> literal matcher, and highlight to the next backtick char as a giant 
> multiline string literal. Admittedly minor, but annoying.
> On a related note, anyone know how to submit patches to the vim project?
> TK

I maintain the d.vim syntax script. I'll merge your changes into the 
original and post a new version to shortly.

Thanks for the bug report. Sadly, I don't program in D that much (since 
I can't use it at work), so I don't catch some bugs. I'm more or less 
maintaining this file to learn vim syntax highlighting and to make a 
small contribution to D and vim ;-)


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