class allocators should be more encapsulated

Bruno Medeiros brunodomedeiros+spam at
Sat Dec 30 17:41:32 PST 2006

Luís Marques wrote:
> Frits van Bommel wrote:
>> Yes they do take parameters, and the reason is indeed to customize how 
>> memory is allocated. But unless they throw an exception, they do have 
>> to actually _allocate_ some memory. If they don't throw, the return 
>> value must be a void* to a newly-allocated piece of memory.
>> So what I gather you're trying to do (potentially return a pointer to 
>> an already-existing object) isn't acceptable behavior for a custom 
>> allocator.
> You are right. If I return an existing object it will be initialized to 
> default values. I guess that means the solution to a singleton pattern 
> proposed by Burton Radons does not work 
> ( 
> Still, it's a pity that "new ClassType()" cannot be used to 
> transparently return an existing object (conditionally or not).
> -- 
> Luís Marques

Why should "new ClassType()" be able to return the same instance? What's 
wrong with ClassType.getInstance() ? Or in your case 
ClassType.getInstance("my string") ?

Bruno Medeiros - MSc in CS/E student

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