interfacing with the windows api

John C johnch_atms at
Tue Feb 21 01:43:40 PST 2006

"lee" <lee_member at> wrote in message 
news:dteims$1198$1 at
> I'm trying to write a short windows application, and I need to define a 
> windows
> class object. In C this is simple since the class is defined in the 
> windows
> header file. Unfortunately, I can't create a wc object in my D program. I 
> tried
> importing the header file, but the class definition doesn't carry over 
> into the
> program's namespace. Moreover, this is just part of a larger problem. I 
> have
> been experiencing problems importing user defined data types from C header 
> files
> in general. If someone could explain how D interfaces with C code, I would
> really appreciate it.
> Thanks
> Lee

Interfacing with C, and interfacing with C source code are two different 
things. This might help you: 

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