Runtime unit lib

BCS BCS_member at
Wed Feb 22 09:24:57 PST 2006

In article <0q1uc3-rb3.ln1 at>, Thomas Kuehne says...
>Hash: SHA1
>BCS schrieb am 2006-02-22:
>> I have put together a runtime unit type library. While I was writing the 
>> unittest I recognized that the most likely error is an error in the convention 
>> table (something that can't be checked by the person who wrote that part). 
>> Therefor, Would someone please (without looking at my table of conversion 
>> factors) finish writing the unittest for the lib?
>> It shouldn't be hard, just get the file and a units conversion table and add 
>> some more lines like those around line 644.
>> here it is:
>US or international ?
>international table calorie, thermochemical calorie or ... ?
>metric, us or ... horsepower?
>Leter -> Liter?


>mile, inch
>british, natic, imperial or ... ?


>Rankine, Reaumur or ... ?


>Fahrenheit and lot's of metric units seem to be missing.

Fahrenheit has an offset so...

I didn't put in units like PSI that are named by there definition. I put in all
of the units that my table had that looked useful (who besides the GB DMV needs
stones?) More units can be added later. 

non metric units are US (I think).

ver 2 fothcoming, several things will change a bit.

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