DMD 0.148 - scope guard

James Dunne james.jdunne at
Sun Feb 26 01:05:15 PST 2006

Derek Parnell wrote:
> On Sun, 26 Feb 2006 19:41:14 +1100, bobef <bobef at> wrote:
>> Knud Sørensen wrote:
>>> Freshmeat is the slashdot equivalent for software.
>> Forgive my ignorance, but what is slashdot?
> It's the equvalent of FreshMeat for I.T. related news and gosip.

That's a nice, circular definition. =P

What's a square?

Well, it's like a rectangle but with even sides.

What's a rectangle?

Well, it's like a square but only opposite side pairs need to be the 
same length.

James Dunne

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