
James Dunne james.jdunne at
Sun Feb 26 08:47:08 PST 2006

Trevor Parscal wrote:
> I just wrote a new templated shortcut module for Fusion - and I thought I would
> suggest inclusion in phobos - since it's so darn handy. Some might think this
> isn't their style - but it can be useful in making things look nice and clear
> The idea is that you can have "multi" argument properties like...
> /////////////////////////////////
> class FOO
> {
> int[] Range(int[] _values)
> in
> {
> asert(_values.length >= 2);
> }
> body
> {
> this.start = _values[0];
> this.end = _values[1];
> return _values;
> }
> }
> /////////////////////////////////
> and than you can use the property like...
> /////////////////////////////////
> foo.Range = pair(1, 10);
> /////////////////////////////////
> There are 3 shortcuts. all deal with values of a single type.
> pair has 2 arguments, and always returns a dynamic array with 2 elements.
> trio has 3 arguments, and always returns a dynamic array with 3 elements.
> list is variadic, and always returns a dynamic array with at least 1 element.
> The code can be seen on the dsource svn...
> The source is free as in beer - just let your buddies know who gave you the
> beer!
> Thanks,
> Trevor Parscal

Hmm, I don't know.  That removes a lot of typing information.  Also, 
dynamic memory is allocated per each function call, which makes it look 
less appealing, not to mention non-performant.

And finally, the list method is kinda scary - a silent failure case 
hidden away in your casting on pointers.

What's to be gained here?

James Dunne

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