Historical language survey

Don Clugston dac at nospam.com.au
Fri Jul 7 03:17:23 PDT 2006

kris wrote:
> Just for fun, how many folks here have hands-on experience with any of 
> the following languages?
> Algol
> Pascal
> Ada
> Modula
> Simula

Just Pascal, and I never liked it.
<rant> It seemed to go out of its way to make pointers difficult to 
understand. Plus, the first line of code was the "program" statement, 
which didn't actually do anything, and the last was an almost invisible 
fullstop. This was supposed to be a good teaching language? </rant>

The only languages that I was ever excited about were Z-80 assembler 
(the first programming language I ever learned), Forth, Ansi C, C++, and D.

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