import concerns (was Re: Historical language survey)

kris foo at
Sat Jul 8 01:15:35 PDT 2006

Derek Parnell wrote:
> On Sat, 08 Jul 2006 15:18:42 +1000, kris <foo at> wrote:
>> Walter Bright wrote:
>>> Brad Roberts wrote:
>> [snip]
>>>> How much begging would it take to try for a release or two having  
>>>> private symbols invisible to the importer?  It's really much more  
>>>> intuitive, imho.  I haven't looked at this part of the front end 
>>>> code,  but if it's easy, feel free to make it controllable via a 
>>>> compiler  option just for the experiment's time frame.
>>>   The problems happen when one has:
>>>  void foo(int x);
>>> private void foo(long x);
>>>  So the first foo is found, then overload rules apply, and the 
>>> second  foo is selected.
>> So, in D, what does private actually mean? The verbose version if you  
>> wouldn't mind, with all known corner-cases noted?
>> I think the full explanation would help a lot, since it's often 
>> easier  to remember the things one should not do, rather than those 
>> one should.
> That why I wrote but 
> no  one has bothered to comment it yet - including Walter whom I 
> explicitly  asked to.

I read it several times; it didn't seem to follow the compiler 
behaviour, which is not any fault of the messenger.

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