Is this a bug?

Tom S h3r3tic at
Sat Jul 8 16:02:08 PDT 2006

freeagle wrote:
> the problem is not that i have to type a bit more to actually call the 
> method, i just don't understand why its not part of Win32Window 
> interface, when Win32Window class is publicly derived from BaseWindow 
> defining public method Dimension2D size();

That may be because of the symbol resolution method that is currently 
being attacked in various posts. In that one example of yours, the 
compiler figures out that you want a 'size' function of the Win32Window, 
it checks it and cant see the right version. It doesnt check the base 
class because of how the method resolution works. Weird, yeah :P

Tomasz Stachowiak  /+ a.k.a. h3r3tic +/

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