Import concerns revisited

Ivan Senji ivan.senji_REMOVE_ at
Sun Jul 9 01:41:30 PDT 2006

Walter Bright wrote:
> kris wrote:
>> // import as we know it today, and with a required prefix "locale."
>> import lib.text.locale;
>> import lib.text.locale as locale;
>> // selective import of one entity, and alternatively with an alias
>> import lib.text.locale.Time;
>> import lib.text.locale.Time as otherTime;
>> ==================================
> But those *are* aliases. It's just using a different keyword, "as"
> instead of "alias", and a slightly rearranged syntax. So what's the
> difference between:
> import lib.text.locale.Time as otherTime;
> and:
> alias lib.text.locale.Time otherTime;
> ? Absolutely none, unless I am totally misunderstanding your proposal.

There should be a big difference (if I understand things correctly):
A simple example:

If I have:

module m1;

int func(){return 1;}


module mainmodule;

import m1;

void main()

there are no problems with that!

But if I add:

module m2;

int func(){return 2;}

and change mainmodule to:

import m1;
import m2;

void main()
  writefln(func());     //<- conflict

And suddenly I get a lot of conflicts.

Sure there is a way to solve it by adding:

alias m1.func func;

And then use m2.func to use func from m2.

But what if I wanted to give m2.func a totally different name to avoid
confusion, i can try to add this:

alias m2.func someOtherName; instead of alias m1.func func;

But then once again I would get an error about a conflict:

Once again there is a solution:

alias m1.func func;
alias m2.func f2;

And it works OK, but the intention here is a bit hidden.


import m2.func as f2;

is not the same as:

import m2;
alias m2.func f2;

but is equivalent to:

import m2;
alias m2.func f2;
//insert here a possibly huge number of aliases to avoid conflicts of
m2.func with func from other imported modules.

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