Import concerns revisited

Dave Dave_member at
Sun Jul 9 15:52:16 PDT 2006

Dave wrote:
> Sean Kelly wrote:
>> Dave wrote:
>>> I agree that 'from' is better than 'with', but I just don't see the 
>>> advantage of
>>> from m2 import func,abcd,efgh;
>>> over the likes of
>>> import m2.func, m2.abcd, m2.efgh as f4;
>>> import std.stdio, as dblib;
>>> because then you get the aliasing in there as well. True, there's a 
>>> little redundant typing of 'm2'.
>> If 'm2' is actually '' then the 
>> redundant typing adds up.
> But then you could alias, er,  no 
> wait... <g>
> Seriously, you're spot on - I didn't consider that.

Actually, how about:

import from some.long.modid func as f1, abcd, efgh as zzz;
private import from as dblib;

Is more consistent w/ current syntax, maintains the visual continuity, 
allows more than one symbol import per module (w/o retyping the module), 
and combines the import w/ the alias if desired.

- Dave

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