import concerns (was Re: Historical language survey)

Lars Ivar Igesund larsivar at
Tue Jul 11 03:40:10 PDT 2006

Walter Bright wrote:

> Lars Ivar Igesund wrote:
>> I personally don't like it myself, first of all it is not a natural word
>> for me (I don't have English as my mother tongue, might very well be the
>> reason), but my understanding of the word make it very unlikely to me
>> that it actually _do_ something, it should just give something a
>> different name. Using it for anything else (pulling something from one
>> namespace to another, for instance when subclassing), or for making
>> namespaces, is to me the most unintuitive thing I've ever come across in
>> a programming language (I don't count COBOL here ...). I actually hate it
>> :)
> It does give something a different name, in the current namespace. You
> could think of it like what Python calls it: binding a name from another
> namespace into the local symbol table.
> Or you could think of it like a 'reference' variable, such as inout
> function parameters.

Yes, I could, because those (especially bind) are much better words for what
actually happens.

Lars Ivar Igesund
blog at
DSource & #D: larsivi

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