Modules/packages correspondence to file system

Tue Jul 18 15:04:40 PDT 2006

Hasan Aljudy wrote:
> jcc7 wrote:
>> In article <e9jaad$1mlg$1 at>, Lars E. says...
>>> Why are tools like build ( even 
>>> neccessary?
>> I disagree that they are "neccessary", but they are useful.
>> These tools are useful because they provide functionality that isn't 
>> currently
>> available in dmd/gdc. Maybe someday the compilers include more 
>> features that
>> Build has, and Build would become less useful. (But I suspect that 
>> won't happen
>> any time soon and Build will continue to be quite useful for a long 
>> time.) ;)
>> jcc7
> I think his point was, build shouldn't have been needed in the first 
> place, because the functionality should've been a part of dmd.

If it was there, my immediate first question would be "How do I turn it 
off?" and my next question would be (several months later) "DMD does 
that?". (repeat question 1)

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