Either I'm just too stupid, or D is lacking something

Wolfgang Draxinger wdraxinger at darkstargames.de
Tue Jul 25 12:47:50 PDT 2006

Chris Nicholson-Sauls wrote:

> Personally I don't think '$' having other uses would be a
> problem, as this usage is pretty
> distinct.  Also, while I'm not sure if '#' is the best choice
> for your proposal, I do
> agree that its something I'd love to see.  There have been a
> few times where I'd had to resort to tricks like the "named
> mixin + aliases" style, or ended up just copy-pasting whole
> sections of code and sighing a lot, especially if something
> changes.

Yes, I think D is not ready for becomming version 1.0 until there
are no sophisticated metaprogramming facilities. I hate to admit
it, but on this topic D is lacking something C++, err no the C
preprocessor provides. Without strong metaprogramming D is
not "ready for combat ;-)" with C++.

Wolfgang Draxinger
E-Mail address works, Jabber: hexarith at jabber.org, ICQ: 134682867
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