What is a stdio module without input capability?

Tyro ridimz at yahoo.com
Sat Jul 29 03:53:40 PDT 2006

Answer: std.stdio! About as incomplete and undesirable as they come.

IMNSHO this is a feature that is long overdue. Why exactly do I need 
call upon two separate modules to get the functionality promised in one? 
Can we please get a complete stdio module. I know this is about the last 
thing on the minds of professionals lurking here in D-dom, but for some 
(myself included) it is still very important.

import std.stdio: writef;
import std.cstream: din;

writef("Something important!\n");

Yes, it is trivial. Yes, it can be accomplished. But it is unintuitive 
and certainly not what is promised by a "stdio" module.

And while we are on the subject! I know printf() holds a place near and 
dear to the hearts of all those who've ever used it. But since this is D 
and not C, doesn't the D io routines deserve at least the same 
privileges the C ones do? Is their anyway that we can have 
writef()/writefln() take the place of printf() in the object module? 
Barring that, can they at least be included alongside the great printf()?

Andrew C. Edwards

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