To Walter, about char[] initialization by FF

Oskar Linde oskar.lindeREM at
Mon Jul 31 04:27:10 PDT 2006

Serg Kovrov wrote:
> * Oskar Linde:
>> Having char[].length return something other than the actual number
>> of char-units would break it's array semantics.
> Yes, I see. Thats why I do not like much char[] as substitute for string
> type.
>> It is actually not very often that you need to count the number
>> of characters as opposed to the number of (UTF-8) code units.
> Why not use separate properties for that?
>> Counting the number of characters is also a rather expensive
>> operation. 
> Indeed. Store once as property (and update as needed) is better than 
> calculate it each time you need it.

The question is, how often do you need it? Especially if you are not 
indexing by character.

>> All the ordinary operations (searching, slicing, concatenation, 
>> sub-string  search, etc) operate on code units rather than
>> characters.
> Yes that's tough one. If you want to slice an array - use array unit's 
> count for that. But if you want to slice a *string* (substring, search, 
> etc) - use character's count for that.

Why? Code unit indices will work equally well for substrings, searching 

> Maybe there should be interchangeable types - string and char[]. For 
> different length, slice, find, etc. behaviors? I mean it could be same 
> actual type, but different contexts for properties.

Indexing an UTF-8 encoded string by character rather than code unit is 
expensive in either time or memory. If you for some reason need 
character indexing, use a dchar[].

> And besides, string as opposite to char[] is more pleasant for my eyes =)

There is always alias.

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