GC, the simple solution

Lionello Lunesu lionello at lunesu.remove.com
Sun Jun 4 05:39:34 PDT 2006

> * Destructors are called immediatly if the counter goes zero.

This is not such a good thing! You don't really know who releases the last 
reference, so you don't really know when the object is deleted. If the 
object is being referenced from multiple threads, you don't know in what 
thread the destructor will run.

> * all logic behaviour is deterministic

See above.

> * Member objects are still valid, while a destructor is called. => no
> more dispose/close patterns

When an object is being destructed, the references it has to other objects 
are being released. So in the destructor of object B, object A might have 
released about half its references.

> * consume only the needed memory

What about circular references? They'll never get released, no clean-up.


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