Missing files in Phobos makefiles

Don Clugston dac at nospam.com.au
Fri Jun 16 13:34:27 PDT 2006

Don Clugston wrote:
> Lionello Lunesu wrote:
>>> You can create a page by just typing in the URL in your browser, such 
>>> as:
>>> http://www.prowiki.org/wiki4d/wiki.cgi?HowTo/CompilePhobos
>> Done, and that exact spot!
>> Still, it's a silly story. I mean, the biggest difficulty is the 
>> makefile. Building Phobos would be a no-brainer if the makefile would 
>> just build out of the box.
>> Walter, the missing files: are they obsolete, or just not included in 
>> the dmd distribution for license issues?
>> L.
> None of the above.
> This is just hilarious -- I wrote them!! You can download them from the 
> 'mathextra' project on dsource. I had no idea they were in phobos.lib, 
> but it explains why I've had some really weird linking errors...
> etc.gamma is actually mentioned in the docs for std.math.gamma, so it's 
> clearly supposed to be included. But 'realtest.d' contains the first 
> lines of D that I ever wrote (It started life as "hello world"). The 
> first line of it is a comment that it's not intended to be part of a 
> standard library. I'm stunned to discover that it's been in phobos all 
> this time. Guess I better tidy it up.

I just added this issue to bugzilla. BTW, thanks for the instructions -- 
very helpful.

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