static if check for array and AA

Tom S h3r3tic at
Wed Jun 21 15:46:56 PDT 2006

How bout this ?

// ----
import std.stdio;

void main() {
	alias char[][int[]] Foo;

	static if (is(typeof(Foo.keys))) {
		static if (is(typeof(Foo.values))) {
			static if (is(Foo : typeof(Foo.values[0])[typeof(Foo.keys[0])])) {
				writefln("AA !");
			} else writefln("!AA3");
		} else writefln("!AA2");
	} else writefln("!AA1");
// ----

Tomasz Stachowiak  /+ a.k.a. h3r3tic +/

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