C++ reference type

Tesuji Tesuji_member at pathlink.com
Sun Jun 25 01:32:44 PDT 2006

Sounds like you have quite a lot of experience working around the lack of C++
reference type. I just wonder if it will ever be included in D?

>Not to pick but you could say:
>auto x = arr4[0];
>x.bar = 100;
>or you could simply use a different method:
>class Array(T)
>   T[]  items;
>   T*  ptr(int n=0) { return items.ptr + n ; }
>arr.ptr[5].bar = 1;
>Since the built int arrays use a .ptr property, I usually define this 
>method anyways.  Once you use it for a while its second nature.
>If you need to change a lot of entries, use foreach which returns an 
>inout reference.
>If you want to get crazy:
>   void opIndexAssign( void delegate(T* item) fn, int n )
>   {
>     fn( items.ptr + n );
>   }
>arr[0] = (Foo* f){f.bar += 3;};
>hehe :P
>Seriously though, if the item is small enough to not warrant a class, 
>then just extend the container class and define a custom method to 
>update the item.

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